Everything you want to know


Information about the event

Information for athletes, audience and more

Here you can read the

Terms and conditions of the race, time schedule, entry requirements and other information for athletes.

Here you can read the

Information about the dinner, party and sleepover and subscriptions and locations for this.

Here you can read the

How can you reach the track and location of the party and sleepover? Where are parking options? Which facilities are there at the track?

Find more information

Frequently asked questions

You can change your subscription until the closing of subscriptions on Atletiek.nu. If you can't manage to change it, or want to change it after closing of the subscriptions (for example to cancel it), please send us an email!

No, you can come watch this amazing event completely free!

During the entire weekend there will be first aid officers present.

Results are on Atletiek.nu, usually already a few minutes after the event taking place.

In the days after the event we try our best to upload any pictures to the website. We will communicate about this on Instagram, so make sure to follow us there!

This label means that we follow the rules from World Athletics, which is necessary for the validity of entry standards for international championships. Results also count towards the World Rankings.

The event will of course still be accessible for all students at any level!

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